domingo, 19 de agosto de 2007


The waves of a tsunami are formed in the ocean or other water sources because of earthquakes, earth slips, volcanic eruption or impact of meteorites.
When a tsunami collides against the coast, this can cause big damages.
The waves of a Tsunami are different from those that we see in the banks of the sea or in the lakes.
A tsunami can end up measuring 30 meters high and it could advance more quickly than a person can run.
A tsunami can cause erosion in the coast and it can cause floods inland. The water moves with such a force that is able to destroy houses and other constructions.

I took that picture in Constitución 2 years ago. I remember that the people had to be prepared of anything could happen at any moment. This kind of sign took my attention because it was the time that a Tsunami happened in Indonesia. Besides I've got a nephew that has been living there for about 8 years.